The Whooping Crane message of Leadership, Teamwork, and Self Exploration
Be graceful and dance your way through life, like the crane.
That is their message.
That life is an eternal dance, so don’t worry and just flow along.
Lose yourself in the beauty around you.
Thus, the message of the crane is to dance in life!
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
This bird mainly represents feminine force, immortality, wisdom, eloquence, and longevity.
Throughout history, in most cultures, there are mythological tales depicting cranes as majestic birds with charisma and known for spectacular courtship.
They also have the meaning of ‘starting over’, which has recently become all too true since they became an endangered species.
Graceful, beautiful, and pure; cranes dance spectacularly. Especially, when they aim to impress! When they choose a mate, it’s for life.
Their elaborate ‘crane dances’ have inspired art, dancers, and choreographers.
Their message of Leadership
Cranes embody leadership.
They are sure-footed and graceful in movement. They have good vision and hearing. Despite being shy birds, they are rather vocal.
Since the call of the crane is unique and infrequent, when the crane speaks, all other birds and animals listen.
Thus, In Native American tradition, cranes were renowned for their trumpeting calls and are known as the ‘Speakers for the Clans’.
In Christian Art, the crane is a symbol of vigilance, loyalty, good life and works, and good order.
Cranes are nurturing as parents and take care of their young.
Their message of Teamwork
While the crane prefers solitary explorations, they love being with their herds and are grateful for their companions as they fly in V-shaped formation.
The ‘V’ formation allows the stronger birds to let the weaker and younger ones fly in the center.
Their message of Self Exploration
Their grace in flight symbolizes the grace of the divine and the quest for knowledge.
Seeing a crane in a dream could represents a new direction for you or exploration of the self.
We need to understand the crane’s message that life should not be taken too seriously. Instead, become an explorer and look around you.
Look at your home and environment and make changes that empower you, make you better, and help you grow. And worry not, the crane is with you throughout!
Just remember the message they want to tell you.
Dance in life.
Lose yourself in the beauty around you.